Shop / Highways / D.O.T. & MUTCD Highway / DOT Yield Stencil
DOT Yield Stencil
DOT Yield Stencil
Pavement Stencil Company’s DOT Yield stencil is made to state or federal specifications for your desired location. The Federal DOT Specification for letters/numbers is 96” x 16” x 4” for each character with 4” spacing. Each stencil is set up to allow appropriate spacing between letters. Words are available 2 characters per sheet or as individual stencils. Please specify in the notes section of your order. It is available in two materials, 3003 grade .080" thick aluminum or orthopedic grade plastic. All stencils are durable, reusable, and easy to clean. Most stencils are made and shipped within 24 hours of ordering.